Tuesday, October 31, 2006


At the urging of a respected colleague, I’ve decided to start posting some of my research and general musings with interested readers. It occurs to me that the electronic age we are currently experiencing gives me a window of opportunity to simultaneously reach out to academics, philanthropists, and amateur historians who might not be familiar with my expertise. Even though keeping this blog might take me away from my work, I feel it is my duty to carve out the time to share my knowledge with others.

This particular forum also gives me the freedom to disseminate information without incurring the mean-spirited attacks by ill-informed and narrow-minded “colleagues” that I experienced in my most recent foray into academia (I’m not naming names, but you know who you are, and may I remind you that jealousy is an ugly emotion and counter-productive to the advancement of every field of science).

In any case, I have recently relocated to the city of Los Angeles, California. My decision to come here was the result of many factors, among them a mild climate, an abundance of authentic Armenian food, and a well-established, relatively visible tzombi population (though not a well-documented one at this time). There is also a renowned academic institution that I am hoping to be a part of very soon, but I don’t want to jinx anything by blogging before my chickens have hatched.

I hereby welcome all Readers to my humble (but thoroughly engaging) corner of the internet. I look forward to an exciting exchange of ideas with all of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sorry but while looking through you site i noticed you never seem to outline exactly what you are writing about on here and i wonder is it Zombies as in the "walking dead"? and is there a reason why you write it with a "t" at the start? i think it would give great context to your other posts if you had a home page or something that outlined what exactly you study and are researching :D