I spent much of the weekend watching my new DVD set,Decisive Battles of the Ancient World, and thinking about the last Golden Age of the Tzombi, which took place in Greece some 2000 years ago.
I was hoping to delineate a few of the high points of the last Golden Age, which took place in Greece some 2000 years ago.
As the Gray Age came to an end, Tzombi philosophy enjoyed a certain vogue among the intellectual elite. Protagoras spoke of those from different backgrounds as sharing a common humanity. In 442 B.C. Rome there was a movement to abolish a law prohibiting marriage between the Zontanos and the Aperantos. Plato was inspired by staring into caves. Zeno of Citium created Stoicism, inspired by the Tzombi plight.
But the Tzombi didn’t really receive any of the benefits of this patronage. They were still slaves. In 135 – 71 B.C. a series of Tzombi slave revolts in Sicily, Asia Minor, and Rome led to mass destruction of the docile Tzombi race. In 1 B.C. Augustus Caesar passed laws forbidding consorting with the Tzombi.
Has anything really changed for the Tzombi? Here is a piece of anti-Tzombi graffiti I saw on a wall this morning:
When will it all end? When will a new Golden Age begin?
How the heck is that anti-Tzombi graffitti? That looks like a decent representation of a skull. Couldn't you just as easily say that's anti-follicle graffitti, or a pro-pirate flag mural?
You're going to need to explain yourself a little better.
I think that it is a symbol that represents the "Pro-Ms.Pacman" movement.
Zoinky, your comment is an enlightening (and humorous) example of how scholars such as myself need to evacuate the ivory tower of academe and work among the populace. The information which I neglected to provide the readers with is, as in most cases, crucial to the understanding of this particular graffito. A similar one was found by the Anatolian explorer Strabo near the fallen statue of the Apollo of Temenos, which was erected by the emperor Tiberius, a suspected member of the Tzombi race (more on this later). I will attempt to find the proper documentation on this for a future posting; unfortunately, my filing system is in desperate need of an overhaul. Assuming it hasn't been devoured by mice, I will put it up "post-haste". ;)
Mr. Weiss, that is all well and fine, but how many street thugs with paint cans are familiar with Strabo? That's like saying you'll find "Chaka" defacing the walls of literally thousands of Los Angeles buildings, spans, and overhangs because the "artist" was making reference to the 13th century philosopher of the same name. Pardon my persistent questioning, but I think you're giving common street trash way too much credit.
I am unfamiliar with the 13th century philosopher Chaka. Was he a Buddhist?
Nevertheless, your comment assumes that the graffito was painted by a "street thug," rather than a dangerous individual or group with an anti-Tzombi vendetta. Several such groups have been documented throughout history, the most notable being the "Evgnomonas Nekros," a secret society which put pressure on Augustus to forbid consorting with the Tzombi. But one might also suspect a resurgence of the "Boniti", a hateful group which rose up in the aftermath of the Black Plague. One can never be too careful....
I would never go to some candy-ass site having anything to do with Anne Rice, and I think her books suck. You sound like an elitist to me, Robert. If you haven't caught the entire spirit of this site, it has to do with Tzombi awareness, not the ridicule of others. Why are we here if not to get educated? I think you owe me and Rodrigo an apology. There's no honor in sitting back and criticizing Mr. Weiss for not taking action. All you've done is asked him to be a leader. Why don't you step up and do something? Also, you have no right to be uppity about me not knowing about Strabo. Please keep your Anne Rice insults limited to your weekend dungeons and dragons sessions with your comic book store friends. Thank you.
Mr. Weiss, Chaka was a remarkable Lithuanian folklorist whose ideology shaped the cultural habits of northwestern Africa for centuries. Thank you for your blog. I will never hurl insults at you like some jerk-off whose surname resembles the protagonist rebel from "Happy Days."
To use your own vernacular: "Oh NO YOU DIDN'T!" If you could witness my physical movements while typing these words, you would see my head gyrating upon my neck wildly. My eyes are also bugged out like the last unwed mother of eight on any of the many daytime talk shows you doubtlessly watch, drooling and babbling in your own semi-coherent way. I am not surprised in the least that your mockery is limited to false comparisons between myself and Fonzie. Your verbal assaults will not go unchecked. For your information, I am a level 27 theif/priest in D&D, and my Gestalt race allows me to accrue experience points in two classes simultaneously. This communication will now end so that you may discover two positive things in your otherwise dismal life:
1.) My sympathetic termination of this post will allow you to stop moving your lips in the painful exercise of reading comprehension. (You are surely squinting your eyes and keeping a dictionary close at hand.)
2.) I'm fairly certain "Laverne & Shirley" will be on soon. Perhaps you can take notes and liken me to Squiggy in your next post.
In conclusion: Up yours.
I DM for a group that would use level 27 characters as kindling.
What's your greatest spell, "transmute rock to stone"?
Despite our misgivings, we seem to have found common ground as gamers. Can we quit with the name calling now?
Gentlemen (if, indeed, that is what I may be correct in addressing you as), may I ask that you please refrain from turning this into some sort of chili bake-off (my grandmother became an entirely different -- some say aggressively unpleasant -- person during such contests) and let us return to our highly literate, well-mannered, thoughtful discussions. Thank you.
Never in my wildest imagination did I foretell of a blog with such passion...I regret that the fervor is over nothing related to the subject of the web site. Zoinky, I believe it is time for a truce. I would also like to take the time to apologize to Mr. Weiss for my behavior. It seems I've been a bit of a "coup-fourre" to the educational nature of these postings, and I am sorry for the distractions I have created. We need to unite as advocates of Tzombi! It seems in my haste to label Zoinky as a complete moron (an admittedly unqualified opinion), I became an obstacle to the very communication this world sorely needs.
How do people become zombies exactly?
Mr. Weiss, are you still alive? I fear Robert and I have driven you to the brink of madness from our incessant fighting. I certainly hope you did not attack J. with random office products or get fatally wounded by rat bites while in your office. I can just imagine the torment of our petty arguments running through your head, preventing you from sleep, making what little slumber you achieve restless and nightmare ridden. Then you head to work, only to watch that psychotic jezebel once again crank the thermostat to a setting akin to the sixth circle of hell. The armpit stains on your shirt enveloping the entire garment, the sweat pouring off the bulging vein in your forehead, you finally snap in a rage befitting only the most gifted academic wonks. I pray you are neither incarcerated or fatally wounded. Godspeed, Mr. Weiss.
Holy shit! It's getting REALLY nerdy in here. I'm very interested in what Rodrigo has to say, but Mongrain and Zoinky seem like a couple of complete douchebags. Please keep the bullshit to yourselves.
Nobody cares about your dork wars!
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