Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Once more, apologies for the delay. I have a wealth of information I want to share, and my intent is to post entries on a daily basis. However, as I mentioned in a recent musing, funding is difficult to come by for independent researchers like myself, and my grant applications are as bogged down by bureaucratic red tape as the maintenance requests for my office. I have therefore taken a job on a temporary basis to supplement my income. The work is challenging, though slightly sensitive, and consequently I am forced to shield my readers from the finer points of my employment. I will say that many of my colleagues treat the work as a soulless endeavor, devoid of any personal or professional meaning. Few of them have any interest in my research, possibly because they have become consumed by thoroughly ordinary interests like Pilates or in-line skating. I can’t help but chuckle when I see them hunched over their computer screens, these “living” creatures who consider themselves superior to the Tzombi, if they consider them at all.

Happy Thanksgiving, by the way. Though I personally don’t celebrate the holiday now that my grandmother has passed away, I am happy to have the day off to contemplate my blessings. Of course, it would be nice to have a more steady source (or any source) of funding for my research, but I am alive and well and not bitter in the least that my blessings are so very thin at the moment. Enjoy your turkey, creamed-corn and mince-meat pie, dear Readers!

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